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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kansas Geographer Receives Fellowship to Co-author Book

Kansas University geography associate professor, Jay Johnson, is the recipient of a 2014 Collaborative Research Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). The fellowship promotes collaborative research in the humanities and social sciences and will result in him co-authoring a book with fellow geographer, Soren Larsen, associate professor at the University of Missouri.

Focusing on place-based struggles in British Columbia, New Zealand, and Kansas, the book will explore how the ongoing tensions between Indigenous groups and non-Indigenous communities and governments are transforming the places and politics of settler states in the twenty-first century.

Dr. Johnson is also the co-director of the Kansas NSF EPSCoR-funded Haskell Environmental Research Studies (HERS) summer internship program that provides research experiences to up to 15 tribal college undergraduate students each summer.

For more information visit http://geography.ku.edu/dr-jay-johnson-receives-acls-2014-collaborative-research-fellowship.

To learn more about the HERS summer internship program please go to http://www.hersinstitute.org/.

NSF CAREER Award Follows on KNE Funding

Xin Fu, an assistant professor in electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Kansas was honored this spring with an NSF Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. In 2012, Fu received a Kansas NSF EPSCoR (KNE) First Award to support her research in energy efficient computing. Following on this funding, she will use her new NSF award, titled New Foundations for Next-Generation Reliable Throughput Architecture Design, to aid in bolstering the effectiveness of computing for the demands of new technologies.

For more information on Dr. Fu's award please visit http://news.ku.edu/grant-could-aid-effort-bolster-computer-performance.

To learn more about KNE's First Award Program and other recipients, please visit http://www.nsfepscor.ku.edu/first-awards-yr3.html.