
Welcome to the archive of Kansas NSF EPSCoR (KNE) news and announcements blog. Stay up-to-date with all the happenings, discoveries, events and funding opportunities associated with KNE by visiting https://nsfepscor.ku.edu./
Showing posts with label Opportunities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opportunities. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Registration is now open for the 2020 MAPS Research Symposium

Kansas NSF EPSCoR will be hosting its Annual MAPS Research Symposium on Monday, March 2, 2020, at the KU Adams Alumni Center (1266 Oread Ave., Lawrence, KS).

There will be a welcome reception the evening before (Sunday, March 1) at the Oread Hotel (1200 Oread Ave., Lawrence, KS)

March 1-2, 2020 
MAPS Symposium 
Agenda and Presentations

Registration is closed
to register

There is no fee to attend but registration is required. 

***To register your poster and submit your abstract 

for the Poster Session

go to:  http://s.12ab.pw/l/cf8

There will be a welcome reception the evening before (Sunday, March 1) at the Oread Hotel.

Reservations for overnight participants
 may be made at the Oread Hotel 1200 Oread Ave, 
Lawrence, KS 66044

To make reservations call (785) 843-1200 and tell the reservation service you are with the 

Kansas NSF EPSCoR 2020 Symposium to get the discounted rate. 

Participants who choose to stay overnight are responsible for all of their travel and hotel costs.

To guarantee a room reservation, call on or before January 31, 2020.

Deadline to register is Friday, February 21, 2020

Program and other logistical details are TBA. Revisit this page for up-to-date information. Contact Doug Byers at dbyers@ku.edu or 785-864-3227 with questions.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Kansas NSF EPSCoR New Funding Opportunity for Early Career Faculty

     Kansas NSF EPSCoR is announcing a new funding opportunity for First Awards in the area of microbiome research. The First Award program helps early-career faculty become competitive for funding from the research directorates at the National Science Foundation by 1) encouraging early-career faculty to submit proposals to the NSF (or other federal funding agency) as soon as possible after their first faculty appointment, and 2) by accelerating the pace of their research and the quality of their subsequent proposals.

    Eligible to apply is any individual tenure track faculty member who is currently untenured
at the assistant professor rank at Kansas State University, University of Kansas, Wichita
State University, Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Pittsburg State
University or Washburn University and who:

  • is within the first three years of his/her faculty appointment,1
  • has not previously received a First Award or similar funding from another EPSCoR or EPSCoR‐like (Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence, COBRE) program in Kansas, and is not currently nor has previously been a lead Principal Investigator of a research grant funded by a federal agency.

First Awards are intended to be single‐investigator awards to support the PI’s research program at their institution.

Download the Request for Proposal Information at: 

Submission Deadlines:

  • White Papers due by 5:00 pm Wednesday, 9/25/2019
Download the First Award
Letter of Intent Information Form 

  • Final Proposals are due by 5:00 pm Monday, 11/25/2019

Workforce Development, Education and Outreach funding for First Awards is provided by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas. The grant's workforce development and educational objectives are designed to enhance STEM education in Kansas by supporting activities that will lead to an expanded STEM workforce or prepare a new generation for STEM careers in the areas of aquatic, plant and soil microbiome environments and ecological systems.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

New Funding Opportunity for EPSCoR States - DEPSCoR: Defense Established Programs to Stimulate Competitive Research

The Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) is a pilot program that aims to:

  1. Increase the number of researchers capable of performing Science and Engineering (S&E) research responsive to the needs of the Department of Defense (DoD); 
  2. Improve the capabilities of institutes of higher education (IHEs) in eligible EPSCoR states and territories to develop, plan, and execute science and engineering (S&E) research that is relevant to the mission of the DoD and competitive under the peer-review systems used for awarding Federal research assistance; and 
  3. Increase the probability of long-term growth in the competitively awarded financial assistance that IHE in eligible states/territories receive from the Federal Government for S&E research. The program is sponsored and managed by the Basic Research Office, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD [R&E]), awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and administered through the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Approximately $3.6 million in total funding will be made available for this program to fund approximately six (6) awards of up to $600,000 (total cost) each. Each award will be funded up to $200,000 (total cost) per year for three (3) years in the form of a grant. Subjected to funding availability. 


   This program aims to create basic research collaborations between a pair of researchers, namely:

  1. Applicant (Principal investigator, Mentee), a non-previously DoD-funded, full-time faculty member with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to conduct the proposed research as the principal investigator and 
  2. Collaborator (co-Principal Investigator, Mentor), an investigator who was previously funded by DoD within the last seven years. Though this is a collaboration between Applicant and Collaborator, Applicant’s Institution of Higher Education (IHE) will submit the proposal. 
  3. Applicant and Collaborator, both must hold a tenured or tenure-track position with your IHE, or your proposal must include a letter from your IHE stating that you will be considered for a tenured or tenure-track position if you currently hold a short- term appointment.

Application Criteria:

  • Proposed research should describe cutting-edge efforts on basic scientific problems. White papers deemed to be applied research, as opposed to basic research, will not advance to the proposal stage of the competition.
  • You should show strength in as many of the evaluation and selection areas as practicable to demonstrate maximum competitiveness

Registration and submission Deadlines:

  • Applicants must register with Sam.gov by no later than 11:59 PM EST on October 18, 2019
  • White Paper and Supporting Documents must be submitted by no later than 11:59 PM EST on October 25, 2019
For more information go to https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html/ and search for DEPSCoR

For General Inquiries and Questions, contact: 
Ms. Lisa Pizarro
Grants Officer
Email: Lisa.Pizarro.1@us.af.mil

The program objectives for DEPSCoR are described in the program statue:
  Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title II, §219[e][3], Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1331 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Registration is open for the 2019 EPSCoR National Conference in Columbia South Carolina October 27-30, 2019

NSF EPSCoR National Conference organizers have opened registration for the 26th NSF EPSCoR Conference to be held in Columbia, SC, from October 27-30, 2019.

To register, go to:  https://nsfepscor2019.org/register/

The theme of the conference is Science and partnerships across disciplinary boundaries. Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, RII Track-2 PIs, RII Track-4 PIs, and others engaged in EPSCoR projects are invited to give a poster presentation related to this theme. One RII Track-1 PI from each jurisdiction is invited to submit an abstract to present a three-minute lightning talk. A few RII Track-2 PIs will also be selected from the submitted abstracts to present a lightning talk. 

There is no limit on the number of poster presentations that may be submitted from each jurisdiction, but presenters are limited to one presentation each.

Submit your abstract at:  https://nsfepscor2019.org/abstracts.  

Important Dates for 26th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

    • June 1             Early Registration opens
    • July 1             Call for Abstracts
    • July 16             Regular Registration begins
    • September 20     Final day to register
    • October 27     Welcome Reception
    • October 28-29     26th NSF EPSCoR National Conference
    • October 30     PD/PA/EOD meeting

Conference Contacts

Overview: Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti, prakash@mailbox.sc.edu

Program: Dr. Lauren Clark, ClarkLL@mailbox.sc.edu

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Registration is open for the 2019 MAPS Research Symposium on March 18, 2019 at Kansas State University

The 2019 Kansas NSF EPSCoR Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant and Soil Systems across Kansas (MAPS) Research Symposium will be held Monday, March 18, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM at the K-State Alumni Center. The symposium will feature the activities of the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 project, Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems Across Kansas (MAPS) with presentations by the researchers and educators. Also featured will be a keynote speaker (tba), lunch and a poster session detailing some of the most recent research findings. Student attendance and posters are encouraged.

In addition, preceding the symposium will be an opening event Sunday at 4:30 PM, March 17, at JP’s in the K-State Union.

There is no cost to attend, however, registration is required.

Meeting Agenda

Registration is now closed.

Links to all the talks are accessible at 
2019 MAPS Symposium Presentations

Contact Doug Byers at dbyers@ku.edu or 785-864-3227 with questions.

Funding for the symposium is provided by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas. The grant's workforce development and educational objectives are designed to enhance STEM education in Kansas by supporting activities that will lead to an expanded STEM workforce or prepare a new generation for STEM careers in the areas of aquatic, plant and soil microbiome environments and ecological systems.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The 2019 Kansas NSF EPSCoR MAPS Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute is now accepting applications

Do you teach high school biology or environmental studies?

  • Would you like to interact with ecological researchers, develop curriculum that links current research to Next Generation Science Standards, learn more about Kansas ecosystems, and work with other teachers across the state?

  • Then, apply to attend the

    This year the institute will be held June 17-21, 2019 (arrive evening of June 16 if traveling from out of town) at the Konza Prairie Biological Station, 100 Konza Prairie Lane, Manhattan KS 66502.

    While attending the institute, teachers will participate in a variety of activities from carrying out investigations and learning about current university-level research, to exploring diverse outdoor environments. Early in the week participants will be divided into groups based upon their areas of interest to work with Kansas State University researchers. Groups will spend time developing inquiry-based curriculum for their high school classrooms.

    Teachers attending the summer institute will earn a stipend of $750 for actively participating in the week’s activities and writing curriculum.

    A travel allowance will be provided for all participants and housing will be provided for participants who live more than an hour drive from the Konza Prairie Biological Station.

    Ten Teachers will be selected to participate 

    Applications are due April 1, 2019 

    To see how one teacher has used her 2018 institute experience in the classroom click here

    To learn more about what you can expect, go to  2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute

    To learn more about the researchers who will be facilitating the small groups for the 2019 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute as well as more about the MAPS researchers go to the People tab on the Kansas NSF EPSCoR MAPS outreach website.

    Involvement in this program could lead to further collaboration through National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Teachers (NSF RET) grants. Future programs will take place at the University of Kansas Field Station in 2020 and 2022 and at the Kansas State Konza Prairie Biological Station in the summer of 2021.

    The summer institute is one of the educational outreach initiatives supported by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas (MAPS) and is under the direction of  Dr. Peggy Schultz, Associate Specialist, Environmental Studies Program at the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS).

    Thursday, January 10, 2019

    The Haskell Environmental Research Studies (HERS) Institute is now accepting applications for paid summer internships

           The HERS Institute is an 8-week paid summer internship program for undergraduate or recent graduate students held in June and July. The institute's underlying mission is to provide the opportunity for students to work with faculty from Native American colleges who are conducting long-term and short-term research relating to key hazardous substance problems on American Indian lands with the intent to disseminate the information through programs and various forms of media to American Indian peoples. The program is also dedicated to preparing tribal college students for science and technical careers and/or graduate school experiences. The program also provides various stages of support for continued research and participation in programs of interest to American Indian/Alaska native communities. The HERS interns' research topics primarily focus on the affects of climate change on indigenous communities.
         Interns spend the first six weeks of the program on the Haskell Indian Nations University campus in classrooms and laboratories learning about climate change and developing individual research projects. Then, the interns spend the following two weeks conducting independent research at Haskell Indian Nations University, The University of Kansas, and/or in the field. HERS interns will also have opportunities to present their work at professional meetings, workshops, and symposia around the country, such as the Society for Advancing Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) or American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES).  Selected interns receive a stipend as well as room and board.

        To be considered for the HERS Internship Program, applicants must be undergraduate students or recent graduates in good standing, and eligible for enrollment in a tribal college or university.

    Applicants will be expected to provide the following for consideration:

    • A 400 to 500 word Statement of Purpose including an explanation as to how a HERS internship benefits their professional goals. If relevant, also include a description of previous research experience.
    • A 400 to 500 word Essay describing an important environmental issue affecting Indigenous communities that is of interest to them. 
    • Two Letters of Recommendations: One from an academic reference and one from someone who can speak to the applicant's character.  There is a letters of recommendation request form at the online application site. 
    • A copy of the applicant's most recent college or university his or her transcripts. Official transcripts will be requested at a later time.

    All application materials must be submitted by March 15, 2019

    Check the HERS Institute website for updates or deadline extensions.

    Workforce Development, Education and Outreach funding for the HERS program is provided by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas. The award's workforce development and educational objectives are designed to enhance STEM education in Kansas by supporting activities that will lead to an expanded STEM workforce or prepare a new generation for STEM careers in the areas of aquatic, plant and soil microbiome environments and ecological systems.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2018


         The Division of Biology at Kansas State University is recruiting diverse, highly-qualified graduate students to assist with understanding the linkages among microbiomes of aquatic, plant and soil (MAPS) ecosystems across the state ofKansas. 
    The goal of MAPS is to understand:
    1. How microbiome structure and function among these systems change across the precipitation gradient of Kansas and land use, and 
    2. How those changes in microbiomes affect broader community and ecosystem properties. In all, the integrated and collaborative NSF-funded project is driven by >15 investigators, all of whom work collaboratively and train students in an interdisciplinary framework.
         If you are interested in developing skills in collaborative, team-based science focused on deploying cutting-edge tools in environmental microbiology and informatics, please contact the listed individuals who might serve as your graduate advisor. Students must discuss their interests with a potential advisor (by email or by scheduling a phone conversation by email) prior to submitting an application. 
    Applications due by 
    15 December for Fall or Summer 2019 start.



    Plant Pathology
    Workforce Development, Education and Outreach funding for these MAPS graduate positions is provided by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas. The award's workforce development and educational objectives are designed to enhance STEM education in Kansas by supporting activities that will lead to an expanded STEM workforce or prepare a new generation for STEM careers in the areas of aquatic, plant and soil microbiome environments and ecological systems

    Thursday, September 6, 2018

    NSF 2026 IDEA MACHINE Competition

    Kansas NSF EPSCoR is excited about this new opportunity for the community to take an active role in shaping the future direction of NSF. The NSF 2026 Idea Machine contest is a competition to identify new directions for future research. The key points of the competition are for entrants to suggest "grand challenge" questions for future research, first in narrative form and then through video "pitches." 

    Authors of the best ideas will receive public recognition and/or cash prizes. Contestants much be at least 14 years old at the time of entry.

    Entries will be accepted between August 31 through October 26, 2018.  Register online 
    Please help us to spread the word! 

    Tuesday, February 27, 2018

    Applications are now available for Biology and Environmental Studies Teachers to participate in The Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute at the KU Field Station

       Kansas NSF EPSCoR in conjunction with its RII track-1 award, The Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant and Soils Across Kansasis now recruiting Kansas teachers to participate in the 2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute.  This workshop will be held June 4-8, 2018 at the University of Kansas Field Station.  High school biology and environmental studies teachers are encouraged to apply.  Participants will be paid a stipend of $750 and a travel allowance for participants who live more than an hour from the field station will also be provided.  Ten teachers will be selected to participate. 
       During the workshop, participants will conduct investigations, learn about the current research on ecosystems, explore the diverse outdoors, and work with researchers to develop inquiry-based curriculum to take back to their classes.

    For more information, go to: https://epscoroutreach.ku.edu/

    Applications can be found at: https://goo.gl/McoVSk

    Application deadline is April 1, 2018

    Education and outreach funding is provided by the Kansas NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 Award OIA-1656006 titled: "Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas."  The grant's educational objectives are designed to enhance STEM education in Kansas by supporting activities that will lead to an expanded STEM workforce or prepare a new generation for STEM careers in the areas of aquatic, plant and soil microbiome environments and ecological systems.