Dr. Carlos Trallero |
Si Se Puede Hacer Ciencias y Matematicas is an outreach program that invites 6th-8th grade Hispanic students to the Emporia State University (ESU) campus to participate in four hands-on workshops taught by Hispanic professionals from all over the state of Kansas. This year,
Si Se Puede Hacer Ciencias y Matematicas was held on October 29, 2016, and
Dr. Carlos Trallero, Associate Professor of Physics at Kansas State University and
Kansas NSF EPSCoR researcher, delivered the keynote address to 70 Hispanic middle school students as well as a number of parents and teachers in attendance. Dr. Trallero discussed the many hardships he faced as a student, how he over came them to reach his goals, and how it is so important to never stop trying no matter what obstacles students might face.
Last year Dr. Trallero led a workshop on "How the Internet Works."
The Si Se Puede Hacer Ciencias y Matematicas Saturday experience is an outreach program at Emporia State University (ESU) designed to increase Hispanic youth’s interest in science and mathematics, foster awareness of career opportunities in mathematics and science related fields, and provide an opportunity for students to interact with professionals working in STEM fields. Hispanic students in 6th-8th grade are invited to the ESU campus to participate in four hands-on workshops taught by Hispanic professionals from all over the state of Kansas. These workshops are designed to allow students to explore STEM topics such as: engineering, physics, medicine, chemistry, and veterinary medicine. This year, "students attended workshops where they built moon landers, excavated dinosaur bones, made ice cream, watched and participated in Chemistry and Physics experiments, and viewed X-rays of animals."
Students conduct a chemistry experiment using charcoal filters (right) and students put the finishing touches on their moon lander (left). |
Parents and teachers are also encouraged to attend adult sessions that focus on how to encourage Hispanic students to study STEM subjects and advice on how to support their students as they pursue and succeed in attaining a college degree.
“We were very pleased with this year’s record attendance,” said
Dr. Betsy Yanik, the program’s director. “The teachers, students and parents were highly complimentary of this year’s activities.”
Associate Professor Carlos A. Trallero participation in the Si Se Puede Hacer Ciencias y Matematicas as part of the outreach initiatives included in the Kansas-Nebraska EPSCoR Track 2 grant: Collaborative Research: Imaging and Controlling Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures.